Anna Pavord
Anna Pavord is a contributing editor of Gardens Illustrated and has been associated with the magazine since its beginning. She and Penelope Hobhouse were the first two associate editors. Anna’s books include her bestseller, The Tulip, The Naming of Names and her most recent work, Landskipping. Her column in the Independent newspaper ran for 30 years from the paper’s launch in 1986 until the paper’s last print edition. She now contributes to the Sunday Times. She served for ten years on the Gardens Panel of the National Trust, the last five as chairman. She also served three 3-year terms on English Heritage's Parks and Gardens Panel. In 2001 she was awarded the Gold Veitch medal from the Royal Horticultural Society. For more than 40 years she has lived in West Dorset where she gardens on a steep sunny slope among arisaemas and magnolias.