Matt Collins
Matt is a garden and landscape writer, and Head Gardener at the Garden Museum in London. Matt contributes articles on horticulture, nature and travel for publications including The Guardian , RHS's The Garden and Hortus. He writes a monthly column for the Daily Telegraph where our garden plants come from. Matt has several books published internationally by Pavilion Books. Matt’s interests lie at the intersection between cultivated and natural environments; his latest book, Forest, Walking Among Trees (Pavilion) traces an intercontinental pathway between British trees and their wild-wooded counterparts, and was shortlisted for an Edward Stanford Travel Writing award. Matt is a member of the Garden Media Guild.
Recent articles by Matt Collins
Exotic planting brings Californian style to Adam Sykes's London garden
Exotic evergreens provide structure for diverse planting in soft greens and whites, taking a London garden to West Coast America. Words Matt Collins, photographs Jason Ingram
Begonias: the best for your garden and how to plant
These tender foliage plants embody a new, light-hearted and exuberant approach to gardening. Garden writer Matt Collins is your guide to how to grow begonias, when to plant them and chooses his favourite varieties to grow. Photographs Jason ingram
A modern meadow garden
For her own garden in rural Kent, designer Amanda Buckland has given the natural meadow-style planting she loves a modern twist by contrasting its softness with more formal evergreens and contemporary hard landscaping. Words Matt Collins. Photography Richard Bloom