Richard Bloom
Richard Bloom travels widely, photographing gardens, plants and people. He was the Garden Photographer of the Year in 2016 and Garden Media Guild Features Photographer of the Year 2018.
Recent articles by Richard Bloom
Think tulips are boring? These incredible species tulips are small but amazing - here's how to grow them
Species tulips are the smaller, more delicate predecessors of modern tulips. Plant expert Jonny Bruce explains how to grow them, and recommends 13 of the best.
A classic walled garden that's a delight in frost with a beautiful winter structure designed by Arne Maynard
This walled garden designed by Arne Maynard is a perfect example of a winter garden that has faded to reveal its beautiful bare framework.
Cotinus: smoke bushes to grow for autumn colour
Bold autumn tints and early plumes of flower make the cotinus, or smoke bush, an indispensable shrub in the garden. Shrub expert Andy McIndoe advises on how to grow them. Photographs by Richard Bloom
Be inspired by this small suburban Suffolk retreat designed by Colm Joseph
In this once-overlooked suburban plot, designer Colm Joseph has created a modern gravel garden that offers a relaxing green retreat. Words Kate Jacobs Photographs Richard Bloom
A soft summer meadow planter using poppies and sanguisorba
Head gardener Jenny Barnes creates a summer meadow in a basket, featuring grasses and poppies that will thrive into autumn
Get inspiration for intriguing bulbs to plant from this bulb-rich garden for spring created by expert growers
With a passion for collecting bulbs and alpine plants Rod and Jane Leeds have created a garden that is brimming with life and colour in spring. Words John Hoyland, photographs Richard Bloom
How to grow auriculas and the best to plant
A favourite of the 19th-century Florists’ Societies, auriculas continue to attract enthusiastic collectors and are one of specialities of the Suffolk nursery Woottens. Discover how to care for, propagate and 16 of the best auriculas. Words Mary Keen, photos Richard Bloom
A green corridor in the heart of Sheffield | What is Grey to Green? The initiative bringing colour to Sheffield city centre
The city of Sheffield's green makeover is all thanks to a groundbreaking environmental strategy. Words Jodie Jones, photographs Richard Bloom
How to grow Eucomis and the best types to plant
Commonly known as pineapple lilies, these exotic-looking plants are generally hardier than they appear, and can bring a fresh burst of colour and scent to late-summer gardens. Words Benjamin Pope, photographs Richard Bloom
Colchicums for your garden
Discover when to plant colchicum and the best colchicums for your garden – plus how to plant and care for them. Words by Rod Leeds, expert in autumn-flowering bulbs. Photographs by Richard Bloom.
Cool, calm and connected - a small garden in Kent
Designers Harriet Farlam and Ben Chandler have squeezed much into this serene town garden on the north Kent coast. Words Jodie Jones. Photographs Richard Bloom.
Inspiring gardens | York Gate in Leeds
York Gate in Leeds may be relatively small, but this historic, late 20th-century family garden is one of horticulture’s brightest gems. Words Jack Wallington, photographs Richard Bloom.
An early autumn pot for a shady spot
Head gardener Jenny Barnes creates an early autumn container display for a shady area. Words Jenny Barnes, photographs Richard Bloom
A small modern meadow garden by Jenny Bloom
For this garden in north London, designer Jenny Bloom drew inspiration from the unusually wild landscape on its fringes. Words Kate Jacobs. Photographs Richard Bloom.
A garden that merges into the New Forest, designed by Helen Elks-Smith
For an eco-friendly home on the edge of the New Forest, designer Helen Elks-Smith has created a spectacular garden that brings nature to the door.
Words Ambra Edwards Words Richard Bloom
Discover the farm producing wildflower seed in Somerset
The sensitive ecological stewardship of Manor Farm is driven by a desire to restore habitats and to supply wildflower seed with provenance. Words Hannah Gardner, photographs Richard Bloom
Ornamental grasses and coloured stems in a winter garden in Berkshire
Nature turns on the Christmas lights in this Berkshire garden, as low winter sun illuminates ornamental grasses and coloured stems. Words Jacky Hobbs, photographs Richard Bloom
Stunning small coastal garden in Suffolk designed by Sue Townsend
A bright and airy seaside garden, shimmering with light and jewel-like colour, is guaranteed to lift the spirits. Words Clare Coulson, photographs Richard Bloom
Living Dream – Behind the scenes at Mynd Hardy Plants
Mynd Hardy Plants in Shropshire is everything Jill and Richard Rallings could wish for – a thriving nursery awash with superb perennials in a lovingly restored walled garden. Words Alys Fowler. Photographs Richard Bloom.
A wheelbarrow planter featuring Hemerocallis ‘Stafford’
Head gardener Jenny Barnes makes a container out of a vintage wheelbarrow and uses phlox and artemisia for her mobile summer display. Photographs Richard Bloom
Formality and romance: an Arts and Crafts inspired garden in Suffolk
Soft planting contained within a formal structure of neatly clipped box, bay and yew, has given the garden of this renovated church a new lease of life – and created a perfect sense of harmony between building and plot. Words Clare Coulson, Photographs Richard Bloom
An alpine container featuring Saxifraga x urbium
Head gardener Jenny Barnes creates a low maintenance alpine planter using sedums and saxifraga
A contemporary chic container featuring Polygonatum verticillatum ‘Rubrum’
Head gardener Jenny Barnes creates a contemporary chic planter using ferns and actaea. Photographs Richard Bloom
A container with architectural impact using Tetrapanax papyrifer ‘Rex’
Head gardener Jenny Barnes creates a beautiful container display with architectural impact. Words Jenny Barnes, photographs Richard Bloom