David Harber at Chelsea 2021

David Harber at Chelsea 2021

Renowned sculptor David Harber exhibits at Chelsea 2021

Published: September 24, 2021 at 9:16 am

Award-winning sculptor, David Harber, has won a 5 star Tradestand Award at RHS Chelsea Flower show this year.

The work displayed at his stand is inspired by the change in relationship between the outdoors and nature. In particular, there is a focus on how this bond has been strengthened during the past year; where there has been a desire to spend more time outdoors and appreciate our gardens.

Image: David Harber
Image: David Harber

The stand is sponsored by luxury real estate provider, Savills, and the Cotswold-based garden design studio Nicholsons, who have also designed the planting. With sustainability at the core of the designs, UK sourced stone and only UK grown plants have been used in the show garden.

Image: David Harber
Image: David Harber

Having already won Chelsea’s Sundries Trophy six times, awarded for excellence of presentation, David Harber and his team will be exhibiting a varied range of artworks including some classic, popular favourites such as; Torus, Hydra and Geminus. There will also be some new designs such as Orbis and Turbine – which can be found in the central meeting space of the show garden.

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