It's the first day of Virtual RHS Chelsea Flower Show, open only to members. Here's three of today's highlights which we think you shouldn't miss. For all our coverage, head to our Chelsea Flower Show hub page.
Watch this: Live now: Schools Garden Club: Tim Peake
During Tim's mission on the International Space Station in 2016, he took some rocket seeds with him, beaming them back to Earth for the RHS to send out to schools across the UK. More than 600,000 young people grew the seeds. Watch Tim and guests from the RHS and Royal Holloway on the adventure.
Watch this: Live from 1pm: Ask a Garden Advisor
Matthew Wilson, RHS Judge and gardening expert Martin Fish, and RHS Gardening Advisors, James Lawrence and Michaela Freed are all on hand to answer your garden-related questions.
Read this: Planting peonies for beautiful blooms
Alec White from Primrose Hall Peonies on how to grow gorgeous blooms.
And don't miss...
Raymond Blanc on the flavours of spring