To celebrate the success of the award-winning Gardens Illustrated podcast Talking Gardens, we will be recording a special episode in front of a live audience this September at the Garden Museum.
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First-time Talking Gardens guest Sarah Raven will join returning guest Nigel Slater, and host and Gardens Illustrated editor Stephanie Mahon, to talk about their dream gardens and plants, horticultural influences and inspirations, and insights into their imaginary Edens, as well as anything else that crops up along the way.

Sarah Raven is a gardener and author with an eponymous online garden emporium. As well as hosting the Grow, Cook, Eat podcast, Sarah also runs courses on productive gardening and growing cut flowers from her home of 30 years, Perch Hill in East Sussex.

Nigel Slater is a renowned cook and food writer, and a columnist for Gardens Illustrated. Our most popular podcast guest to date, we have invited Nigel back for this special one-off recording to reconsider his dream garden picks and reveal more about his own small London garden.

Tickets: £20 full price; £15 for Gardens Illustrated Members and Friends of the Garden Museum.
The event is also available online as a livestream with tickets at £15 full price; £10 for Gardens Illustrated Members and Friends of the Garden Museum.
Visit the Garden Museum website to book tickets.
Please note: This event is being recorded and livestreamed. The audience will be seated at 6.45pm, recording begins at 7pm sharp and late comers will not be admitted.