Gardens Illustrated events

Gardens Illustrated Masterclass

Gardens Illustrated Masterclass 2024

Booking for these masterclasses is not yet open. Bookmark our Gardens Illustrated events page for all the updates.

Stefano Marinaz
Stefano Marinaz

Maximising small spaces
With designer Stefano Marinaz

Discover simple but innovative solutions to make the most of small gardens, with practical advice on design details and planting for year-round interest.

Time: 7pm
Date: Thursday
17 October
Cost: £15

Jenny Barnes
Jenny Barnes

Rose sculpting and training
With head gardener Jenny ‘niff’ Barnes
Watch our exclusive video guide recorded at Cottesbrooke Hall in winter and summer, as Jenny shows how to create amazing shapes with roses.

Time: 7pm
Date: Thursday
31 October
Cost: £15

Tom Stuart Smith
Tom Stuart-Smith

Planting design insights
with designer Tom Stuart-Smith

Learn about Tom’s process and approach to different types of planting, drawing on a range of recent projects, and benefit
from his hard-won learnings.

Time: 7pm
Date: Thursday
14 November
Cost: £15

Other Gardens Illustrated events

Bergamo, Italy - © Rosanna Castrini

30% off Bergamo Landscape Festival: Facing the Crisis

All the information you need about the International Meeting of the Landscape and Garden Conference 2024, plus a special offer for the first 20 Gardens Illustrated readers who book using the unique code GARDENSILLUSTRATED30.

Le Jardin Exotique, Roscoff
Le Jardin Exotique, Roscoff © Herve Lenain / Alamy Stock Photo

Beautiful gardens of Brittany: reader tour

Join us on a five-day tour to some of the best gardens in Brittany in northwest France with our host, head gardener Troy Scott Smith, and tour leader, gardener and French specialist Kirsty Fergusson

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