Monty Don told us recently that UK gardeners are like 'billionaires' when we go shopping at a nursery or garden centre - thanks to our temperate climate and soil conditions, we are able to choose from an extremely wide range of plants for our gardens. But which plants do we actually buy from the huge number of plants available? We asked some of the UK's top plant suppliers to tell us about their bestselling plants, and their answers may surprise you.
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Thompson & Morgan

"Tuberous begonia ‘Apricot Shades Improved’ has been T&M’s best-seller for over a decade. In the past five years alone, the company has sold over eight million plants," says Kris Collins, Head of Quality at Thomson & Morgan.
He explains: "It is a hard-working summer performer. It requires minimal upkeep to get amazing results. It’s a perfect hanging basket or patio plant, which thrives in all weathers in both sun and shade – its blooms seemingly glow in shady corners. Its cascading habit produces an abundance of flower for vibrant fiery colour from late spring to late autumn, with each fully double bloom reaching up to 10cm across. Over the years T&M has tweaked the colour mix to ensure a broader palette of apricot to orange hues and 50% more vibrant picotee edges."
T&M offers Begonia ‘Apricot Shades Improved’ as seed, plug plants, tubers and pre-planted baskets that are delivered ready to hang.
Hardy's Cottage Garden Plants
Bestseller: Geum Scarlet Tempest ('Macgeu001'PBR) (Tempest Series)

"Geum Scarlet Tempest ('Macgeu001'PBR) (Tempest Series) has been a consistent Top 5 seller at Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants; we sell around 500 plants per year of this variety," says Rosy Hardy. "It is a brightly coloured, repeat blooming, long-season plant. It will start flowering in early spring and will still be in flower into the early winter. Of medium size, it is very useful for the front of a border. Very versatile, it can be grown in various soil types and conditions, coping with the ever-changing weather that we are getting, including very wet conditions. It also grows incredibly well in a container. With just a little bit of deadheading, but even without, it will be continually in flower. A very good UK-bred perennial, introduced by Elizabeth McGregor. There are other Tempest varieties, all of which are excellent."
Buy from Hardy's Cottage Garden Plants
Sarah Raven
Bestsellers: dahlias

Our dahlia sales have grown over the past five years, with our exclusive varieties such as ‘Molly Raven’, ‘Lou Farman’, ‘Sarah Raven’, ‘Perch Hill’, and ‘Adam’s Choice’ performing particularly well," says Sarah.
“Dahlias are popular because they show up late in the year when many other plants have died back. Customers like how dahlias flower reliably up until the first frost, providing extra months of colour and blooms. My annual visits to trial fields mean we have the most beautiful and reliable varieties to offer.”
Buy dahlias from Sarah Raven
Bestsellers: Veronicastrum virginicum Fascination, Hydrangea paniculata Vanille Fraise ('Renhy') (PBR) and Calamagrostis × acutiflora Karl Foerster (AGM)

"This Veronicastrum has long spikes of small rich lilac flowers, a top of slender spikes, very much an upright back of border perennial, creating a stunning backdrop for your garden from mid summer through into autumn," says the nursery.

"A beautiful French bred hydrangea with its fluffy, lax, pyramid like flower panicles of creamy-white, that turn to shades of pink as the summer progresses, before finally taking on rich pink red russet tones in autumn."

"Architectural mounds of green foliage set off by vertical flower stems of soft pink flower heads in mid-summer. One of the first tall grasses to flower! Perfect for a feathery screen or planted near buildings to create neight and definition in the border."
Jekka's Herb Farm
Bestsellers: Lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora) and French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)

"Our best-selling herbs are both lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora) and French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus). They not only look wonderful, but they taste great and do you good as well; supporting both your health & well-being," says Jekka.
"Lemon verbena is from the family Verbenaceae and is the Rolls Royce of lemon-scented plants. The fresh leaves can be used in fruit puddings, oils and vinegars and to make the best herbal infusion, a most relaxing and calming bedtime drink."

"Tarragon is from the family Asteraceae. It is a herbaceous perennial with aromatic, long narrow smooth, green leaves that have an anise flavour. Its flavour promotes appetite and complements so many dishes; such as chicken, veal, fish, stuffed tomatoes and, of course, it is the main ingredient in sauce bearnaise and the traditional ingredient of a fines herbes mix. It is not to be confused with Russian tarragon, which is widely available, grown from seed and tastes like upper-class grass.
"You can find more about both lemon verbena and French tarragon in Jekka’s new book, 100 Herbs to Grow, as well as her “All about herbs” blog series: How to grow lemon verbena and How to grow French tarragon."
Buy from Jekka's Herbs
Knoll Gardens
Bestsellers: Hakonechloa macra and Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'

"Although we have a wide range of grasses that offer a variety of aesthetic qualities, our very top-selling grasses are those that will also fulfil some kind of practical role in gardens," says owner Neil Lucas. "For example, Hakonechloa macra, while offering long lived mounds of very refined elongated foliage, is also quite superb at growing in dry shade. A common condition in so many gardens and one that can be difficult to plant effectively. It also looks pretty fab in a pot. It's our top seller."
He adds: "Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'' offers mounds of upright stems and is one of the first of the tall grasses to flower each season. Its upright nature makes it almost unequalled when used as an informal screen and so is hardly surprising that it has become such a popular plant."

Sesleria autumnalis is a foliage based grass great at providing a base or matrix through which other plants such as bulbs and perennials can be planted.

Buy grasses from Knoll Gardens
Beth Chatto Plants
Bestsellers: Verbena bonariensis and Sempervivum Assorted

Verbena bonariensis 4369 has a long flowering season - July, Aug and Sept - followed by seedheads lasting well into winter. The tall, upright, slender habit makes it the perfect screen for which to view the garden through, meaning it can be planted at the front of a border and not obstruct the planting behind. It sells really well online for us.

Sempervivum Assorted 3034 is easy to care for and easy to propagate, so a great beginner’s plant and gift for those who are not so green fingered! Its compact size makes it perfect for those who are on coach trips, on public transport or don’t have much room in the car. These are our bestsellers from on-site nursery sales.
David Austin Roses
Bestsellers: Rosa Claire Austin®(Ausprior) and R. Olivia Rose Austin®(Ausmixture)

Rosa Claire Austin (='Ausprior') and R. Olivia Rose Austin (='Ausmixture') are two of David Austin's most beloved roses, each with a special link to the Austin family. Over the past five years, they’ve been consistent favourites with gardeners.
Claire Austin (='Ausprior'), named after David Austin’s daughter, the nurserywoman Claire Austin, is a climbing rose with creamy white, gently arching blooms and a rich myrrh fragrance. Its graceful habit and versatility make it a delightful addition to arches, trellises, and walls.

Olivia Rose Austin® (Ausmixture), named after David Austin’s granddaughter, is a robust and dependable shrub rose. Its soft pink, delicately cupped flowers and light, fruity fragrance are complemented by excellent disease resistance and a long flowering season, making it a joy to grow.
These roses bring together charm, reliability, and a sense of heritage, offering something truly special for any garden. Their timeless appeal ensures they remain firm favourites year after year.
Buy from David Austin Roses
Farmer Gracy
Bestsellers: dahlias, especially 'Café au Lait'

"Dahlias are by far the biggest hit," says Naomi Jones, horticulturist at Farmer Gracy. "Flower power is back on trend and there’s nothing like a dahlia to bring a bucketload of blooms all through the season. Our number one bestseller is Dahlia ‘Café au Lait’, three times more popular than any other dahlia variety. It’s just impossible not to love this dahlia – a neutral colour which works with any scheme, enormous flowers packed with elegantly curved petals, impressive yet easy to grow, and a masterpiece for a vase.
"Hot on the tail of dahlias are hardy perennials, which continue to increase in popularity as people lean towards making longer lasting, more economical plant choices."

"Top picks include Hosta ‘White Feather’, which helps bring light to shady spaces each spring with its unusual pure white leaves."

"Also Eryngium, popular for its architectural habit, resilience, reliability, drought tolerance and seemingly endless life-span. Perennials offer great value and require minimal fuss, saving time and money."
Buy from Farmer Gracy