Just as the leaves are turning dull, dahlias reward us with their lavish, chintzy beauty – the perfect late-summer celebration – which is why I used them in my own September wedding bouquet with Viburnum foliage, rosehips and Panicum grass.
Extravagant flowers are even more impressive when seen in humble settings such as rustic allotments. Old greengrocers’ crates, which are suitably shabby, make perfect planters.
Form as well as colour is essential here. The vertical stance of the Panicum creates a restful backdrop for the dahlia’s star-shaped blooms. In contrast the Erigeron grows horizontally and will creep over the sides of the crate.
Here are more container displays for the garden
Plants you'll need

1. Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’
Height 90cm, season August and September. Amount needed, 2
2. Dahlia ‘Nuit d’Eté’
Height 1.2m, flowers July to October. Amount needed, 3
3. Erigeron karvinskianus
Height 30cm, flowers June to October. Amount needed, 2
4. Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’
Height as mature shrub 2.5m. Used for its red autumn foliage. Amount needed, 2
5. Dahlia ‘Arabian Night’
It's not pictured in detail but seen on the left of the display below.
Height 1.2m, flowers June to September. Amount needed, 1
How to achieve this look

Colours and shapes
This is a high-impact, summer-long display. The dahlia flowers from July until the frosts come. I used two small one-litre potted viburnums – this is a vigorous shrub and will need planting out in the garden after the first year or two. Until then, the autumnal foliage will provide an irresistible display.
Choosing containers
Genuine old crates can be found at junk shops but suppliers of florist sundries sell good imitations. Consider screwing four casters on the bottom so they can be wheeled into different places. You may need to add a membrane such as hessian to contain soil. You can also make a rustic planter out of on old toolbox.
Compost and care
Dahlias originally came from Mexico so they need a sheltered and sunny spot to thrive. They are greedy feeders which means that good soil is essential. Mix two parts of garden soil with one part of compost and a small scoop of blood, fish and bone.
Plant out the tubers from mid-April through to May or use rooted cuttings in early summer. At the first frosts, the tubers should be lifted for overwintering in a frost-free place.
At this point, check the spread of the Panicum virgatum because switch grass does have a tendency to send out runners. These can be potted on or planted out directly into the garden.