Inspiration came from the idea of a meadow full of the warmer colours that light up the garden at this time of year. Sumptuous maroons and deep reds are provided by the coneflower, picked up in the magnificent yet curious Lobelia tupa and asclepias. Yellow daisies of helenium are a nod to the meadows that inspired me, as are the tufty panicles of the Pennisetum villosum. Punctuations of purple are provided by Lobelia x speciosa ‘Hadspen Purple’ and the salvia.
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How to achieve the look
Container and composition
Late summer is the time when colour-wise, everything is heating up in the garden. We know that reds, oranges, purples and yellows work well together: this planting introduces these tones while using some more unusual shapes such as the Asclepias curassavica and the lobelia, with the achillea’s pink umbels combatting any potential harshness in the colour combinations. The ‘neutral’ spires of the nepeta and the tufted whitish rabbit-tail panicles of the pennisetum create a pale background wash to link to the grassy area beyond.

The plants were brought to this heavy stone planter, which was lying empty in the garden here at Water Lane – too weighty to move. The intention was to avoid an overly ornamental planting of it, following instead a theme of a kind of natural chaos to create a contrast against the softened surfaces of this otherwise uncompromising container. The rudbeckia, helenium and purple lobelia are the stars of the mix, with grasses and nepeta used to blur the edges.
This planting sits happily in any sunny spot; the combination of flower shapes work well against a neutral, open background.
Cultivation and care
This combination enjoys the heat of the sun, and a morning water will keep it going through to October, when the asclepias can be removed and the perennials cut back. Then you can add with some spring bulbs.

Helenium ‘Riverton Beauty’ July – September. 1m x 50cm. RHS H7, USDA 3a-8b.
Asclepias curassavica Red and yellow umbels. June – September. RHS H1C, USDA 9a-11.
Lobelia x speciosa ‘Hadspen Purple’ Purple flowers, purple-tinged stems. July –September. 60cm x 40cm. RHS H5, USDA 5a-8b.
Pennisetum villosum Perennial grass. July – September. 60cm x 60cm. AGM. RHS H3.
Rudbeckia hirta ‘Enchanted Velvet Flame’ Maroon cone-flower. July – October.
50cm x 30cm. RHS H3, USDA 3a-7b.

Salvia x jamensis ‘Ignition Purple’ Blue-purple flowers. June – October. 50cm x 30cm.
Nepeta nuda ‘Romany Dusk’ Dark stems, pale flowers. July – August. 1m x 40cm. AGM. RHS H7.
Achillea millefolium ‘Lilac Beauty’ Flowers fade with age. May – September. 80cm x 60cm.
Lobelia tupa Red tubular flowers. July – October. 1.2m x 90cm. RHS H4, USDA 8a-10b.
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