Perpetually busy with butterflies and bees, the flowering spires of this delicate pink toadflax are a source of nectar all summer. Flowering May to September, 'Canon Went' is long lasting plant with simple leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers. Growing to a height of 75cm it suits borders and beds, and has a clump-forming habit that can spread to 30cm. Propagate by division or softwood cuttings in spring.

Advice for sowing
Sow indoors March to April in pots or trays of fine compost and keep moist, keep in a cold frame until they germinate. Harden off in May and transplant seedlings 30cm apart when large enough to handle to final position. Or, sow direct outdoors May to June 30cm apart in their final flowering position. Keep the soil moist and weed free.
Alternatively, sow the seeds in August to September and keep in a cold frame, for planting out early the following year.
Linaria purpurea 'Canon Went' prefers full sun and well-drained soil.
Illustration by Alice Pattullo