Get these key jobs done in January to keep your garden looking great

Get these key jobs done in January to keep your garden looking great

A new year heralds a new growing season and the promise of crops to come. Discover a new year of possibilities in your garden. Words Aaron Bertelsen

Published: January 7, 2025 at 1:13 pm

Just because it's January, doesn't mean there's not much to do in the garden. Below we round up a selection of tasks to be getting on with this month. Although here's why digging is a no-go in January.

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Gardening jobs for January


It's that time again. Looking for some pruning tips? As a general guide, you are looking to remove any dead or diseased material and any branches that are crossing on fruit trees. With bushes such as gooseberries and redcurrants, the goal is to create an open, ‘goblet’ shape that allows air to circulate. With blackcurrants, the canes you are removing should be cut down to the ground rather than just being shortened. With all fruit, look to remove the older wood – anything more than three years old – and leave the younger, more vigorous growth.

Prune shrub, bush and climbing roses now while dormant, hard pruning back to strong growth or thinning and tying in lax stems as required. As a general rule, shrub and rambling roses require less pruning than floribunda and hybrid teas. Prioritise removing dead, dying and diseased wood.

Garden experts must have tools
Matthew Pottage's Folding pruning saw, Derry Watkins' Carbon blade scissors, Fergus Garrett's Board

While pruning, remove any remaining fruit from trees and bushes to guard against brown rot and other fungal diseases.

Keep on top of the slugs and snails

Good hygiene is an effective way of dealing with slugs and snails, too. Keep removing old leaves from leafy crops such as kale, Swiss chard and cabbage, and if you are growing in pots, check underneath and around these too.

Tidy up

Close up of a gardener hands pushing a wheelbarrow filled with weeds
Tidy up the garden in January © Ableimages/Getty

Take the opportunity to have a general tidy up. By all means keep a pile of leaves and twigs for insects and spiders to overwinter, but this is the perfect time to tidy edges and get rid of any unwanted mess that has built up over the summer and autumn. Leaves can be turned into leaf mould and all other green waste added to the compost heap.

If you do need to work on the soil, put boards down first, so that you can avoid stepping on the soil itself. Old scaffolding boards are ideal, sprinkled with a little grit to stop you slipping. This will help to spread your weight and avoid compacting the soil.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast and be ready with the fleece if it looks like the temperature is going to drop much below zero. Celeriac is a great example of a winter crop that will do much better if given a little protection from the worst of the weather. Likewise with rhubarb and artichokes – a strong wind can easily blow away that protective mulch you applied back in the autumn, so do check and add another layer if needed. Here is the best eco-protection for the garden

Keep checking on any stored fruit and vegetables to make sure they are still free from rot and safe from predators. As the winter stretches on, so interest among the rodent community will grow.

Get your tools cleaned and sharpened

Clean your rusty tools with wire wool
© Andrew Montgomery

As well as getting your tools cleaned, oiled and sharpened, this is an excellent time to get bigger machines, such as lawnmowers, serviced and ready for the season to come.

How to clean rusty tools

If you haven’t already, do get your seed order in. If you leave it too late you will find the choice is very limited. Here's our guide on the best wildflower seed bombs for your garden.

Sort your seeds

Sort out your seeds (which, of course, you ordered in plenty of time). This will help you to determine whether anything is missing, and to make sure you sow everything at the right time. I use an old wine case and organise the seeds by month of sowing.

Here are some great seed boxes

Clean your greenhouse

This is the ideal time to clean out greenhouses and cold frames, while they’re – relatively – empty. Sweep them thoroughly, and wash the glass inside and out. Give the gutters a clean too.

Clean your plant labels

High angle view of blank plant labels and pen
© Maskot/Getty

Clean your plastic plant labels. I use pencil on mine, so step one is to rub out the writing. Then I soak them in warm water with washing-up liquid to kill any bugs.

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